NCDMB Trainee Development Scheme Press Release

Marine Platforms has concluded a training program for a set of Nigerian engineers under the Human Capacity Development scheme of the Nigerian Content Development Monitoring Board (NCDMB).
The training was secured under the SNEPCo contract provision of ROV and ancillary services executed by Marine Platforms for Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production Nigeria Ltd. Areas of training specification were design & engineering, cadet sea time, rigging, and ROV services.
With a total of 23 trainees, the training curriculum was developed to grant participants maximum exposure to the operational workings of the oil industry from a service contractors perspective. The extensive programme was structured over one year and was designed to give hands on experience in the subsea segment of the oil and gas industry. The training methods involved in-house lectures, course work, external trainings and practical hands-on operation regulated by industry professionals.
The trainees also experienced several practical exercises aboard Marine Platforms ‘chartered’ offshore support vessel, the Siem Marlin and also Marine Platforms owned and full duty paid multipurpose support vessels, the African Inspiration and the African vision. They also had practical involvement in the mobilization and execution of major work scopes.
At the Close Out Ceremony marking the end of the program, SNEPCo’s Subsea Intervention Manager, said “People development is what we value. We have had so many achievements on the Agbami phase 3 project and this is another feat that adds value. These set of skills will enable them to develop their career and make them valuable to the oil and gas industry in Nigeria”
Dr Ama Ikuru the General Manager, Capacity Building Division in NCDMB added that this was another major outcome which further contributes to the human capacity development in Nigeria. He commended them after having assessed their performance in the closeout evaluation.
The Chief Finance and Administrative Officer of Marine Platforms, Baji Nyam, noted that Marine Platforms was indeed grateful and proud to have had this opportunity to promote the development of Nigerians. The growth of local capacity in both human and equipment is a key aspect of the company’s objectives in its contribution to nation building through local content.
Marine Platforms training and development programs have increased consistently over the years in various areas such as the training of seafarers, maritime cadets, ROV pilot technicians and subsea engineers. It is Marine Platforms dream to see that Nigerian youths of today are well prepared to take over the operations in the Nigerian oil and gas and maritime industries.
It is worthy of mention that two of the 23 trainees were retained as staff of Marine Platforms, while the others were reserved to support existing projects.
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